Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday Mornings

So, I'm guessing most peoples' Monday is similar to mine in the fact that it's only 11:30 a.m. and I'm already counting down the hours until I can go back to bed. This day has the promise of being very long judging by the amount of espresso I've already consumed. I still have one class left to get through today and then I will probably be at the library for a majority of night. My homework load for today is pretty big and it's still early in the day. As draining as this day will be, it's nice to have fall here. I absolutely love the cool crisp mornings when walking to classes. I would consider fall to be the best season. Also, it's pretty exciting that my birthday is exactly one week even though I would rather not turn 20 and just stay a teenager. But, birthdays are always fun...right? It seems that as we get older birthdays get more and more depressing. Who really wants to get older? I mean my group of friends and I have already picked the age we want to reach and never get any older than that! That sounds kind of weird but whatever! I'll leave you all with that...have a lovely Monday all!!

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